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Contact [usability@ntlab.gr]

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

New Technologies Laboratory contact information:
New Technologies Laboratory in Communication, Education and the Mass Media
1, Sophocleous Str., GR-10559, Athens.
Telephone: (0030) 210 3689426
E-mail: medialab@media.uoa.gr

WUD 2008 - 2020

November 14th 2020
Online Zoom Meeting


World Usability Day:
Human–Centered AI New window


http://www.greekchi.org/ https://www.aegean.gr/ https://www.uoa.gr/ https://www.upatras.gr/ https://www.ntua.gr/ https://ionio.gr/ http://ii.aegean.gr/ http://usabilityobservatory.gr/ http://hci.ece.upatras.gr/ http://simor.ntua.gr/ErgoU/ http://isd.syros.aegean.gr/ https://inarts.eu/
Organized by NT Lab
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